Sponsored Service Leadership Programs
The Kiwanis Club of Ashland has always believed that providing service leadership opportunities for youth is one of its most important responsibilities as a service organization. Such opportunities enable youth to help improve the communities in which we live and to improve the lives of children in our county, state, nation and, indeed, the world. Accordingly, the Ashland Club continues its tradition of sponsoring a number of programs for area youth, including financial support, Kiwanis advisors to these programs, and participation with the youth in their various service projects.

At the elementary school level, our Club supports a Perfect Attendance Program at six Hanover County schools. We also have a Reading Mentor Program in which Kiwanians (and/or their spouses) work with students at one elementary schoolto improve their reading skills. Finally, at Henry Clay Elementary, our Club works with other civic groups in the Roots and Shoots Program, constructing and maintaining raised bed garden plots in the courtyard for classes to learn about and plant flowers and vegetables.

Key Club
Ashland Kiwanis is proud to sponsor active Key Clubs in three of Hanover County’s high schools – Hanover, Mechanicsville and Patrick Henry. It also sponsors the Glen Allen High School Key Club in adjacent Henrico County. These service clubs are student led organizations with assistance from school faculty advisors and from designated Kiwanis Club advisors. Kiwanians and Key Clubbers often work together on various service projects. Our Club provides financial assistance for convention and training session conferences as well as a renewable, four-year scholarship for a deserving graduating senior from each of these clubs.
Click here for a description of the Kiwanis Club of Ashland Scholarship Requirements.

CKI Club
We have worked with the administration and students to establish a CKI Club at Randolph Macon College. CKI is a college level service organization of largely self-directed students. As the CKI sponsor, our Club provides a Kiwanis advisor to assist and serve as liaison between CKI and Ashland Kiwanis. Our club, too, has a one-year scholarship program for a qualified R-MC CKI member.

Aktion Club
We continue to be proud sponsors of the Aktion Club of Ashland, a service organization for adults with disabilities. The Aktion Club’s leadership is provided by Hanover Parks & Recreation, and a member of Ashland Kiwanis serves as our liaison to this Club. Kiwanians often work with the Aktion Clubbers on their service projects and programs.
Service leadership is the glue that binds our membership with the community. Our sponsored leadership programs are chief components of that glue.