Author: ashlandkiwanis

Welcome our new 2024-25 Club Officers and Directors

The Kiwanis Club of Ashland, VA announces its New Officers for 2024-25. The Ashland Kiwanis Club year runs from October to October. The new Club officers are: President- Mike Fonseca President-Elect- John Dywer Vice President- Art Bykonen Treasurer- Ed Cooper Secretary- Suzanne Dubose Assistant Secretary- Ed Hutchinson Immediate Past President- Bill Hefele The 2023-25 Club […]

Ashland/Hanover 55th Annual Holiday Parade Applications Are Due

The Kiwanis Club of Ashland is once again assembling the Olde Time Holiday Parade for the citizens of Ashland and Hanover County. This is the 55th annual parade to bring Santa to Town. We usually have about 100 entries in the parade so we must start early to get all the plans in place for […]

Glassner Discusses the Demise of Local Newspapers

Glassner Discusses the Demise of Local Newspapers 1/2/2024 – Club: Ashland Despite a sparsely attended dinner meeting on January 2nd (only about 20 attendees), those present were treated to member Greg Glassner’s presentation of the demise, countrywide, of most local newspapers.  In making his talk, Greg relied on his decades of experience in working for […]